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Child Loss - Books That Spoke To Me

Every book you reach for will not speak to you, and that's okay. You may find it difficult to concentrate in grief, and so I often opted for audiobooks. Here are a few that spoke to me.

It's Okay That You're Not Okay by Megan Devine

IOTYNO is the first book I ordered before we even left the hospital when Jasper died. The title spoke to me, and so did every word Megan offered. I joined the Writing Your Grief course, found community, and learned the language of grief. Megan's How To Carry What Can't Be Fixed journal is also an excellent companion.

Permission to Grieve by Shelby Forsythia

Permission to Grieve gave me life! It is a book for people who know that there is a better, more compassionate way to approach the worst thing that has ever happened to them. After reading the book, I was drawn to do one on one grief guidance with Shelby, focused on secondary losses, and attended her Life After Loss Academy.

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